Health & Safety

G2 Contractors are committed to providing an incident free and zero harm environment by continuous development, monitoring and training.

We produce health and safety management plans, method statements and risk assessments for all projects, and have a programme of safety audits on all sites.

G2 carries out all of its work in accordance with statutory H&S regulations and all reasonable practical measures are taken to avoid risk to its employees and to all other involved. We ensure day to day safe working practices are adopted at all levels of the work place.

All employees and sub contractors are fully trained in Health & Safety including asbestos and demolition safety awareness, manual handling, first aid and hold all relevant Plant and tool qualifications. G2 Contractors own an up to date fleet of vehicles and plant which meets all relevant and new Euro IV emissions standards

We focus on the reporting of near misses and engage with operatives to involve them in the understanding and managing of risks on site.


Head Office: Unit 16 Smestow Bridge Industrial Estate
Bridgnorth Road Wombourne
South Staffordshire WV5 8AY
Call: 01902 570861  Email